Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Daily Updates : Boy, could he play that guitar

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Montrose Daily Press - Daily Updates
Sunny 78°

Boy, could he play that guitar

When a teenaged Selwyn Birchwood first picked up a guitar, his only choice for songs were on the radio. These, he grew … Read more


Fires burning on public lands near Montrose continue to consume acreage and fill the skies with smoke. Read more

A different kind of ride

Matt Haynie sometimes doesn't know when his workday ends and free time begins. Read more

Montrose Matters - New Monday's 10am

Montrose Matters Episode 26: Grace Community Church

Join Montrose Daily Press Publisher Tonya Maddox as she talks with Senior Pastor Karl Leuthauser and Executive Pastor Calvin Schwarz from Grace Commu… Read more

Fun time at camp

Andrew Kiser

When Jenna Holyfield looks back on her tennis career, she wishes she had an outlet for the sport before she entered the Montrose High School girls pr… Read more

Motions deadline set in murder case

Katharhynn Heidelberg

Defense attorneys were on Monday given Aug. 6 to file motions on behalf of Joseph Saur. Read more

Olathe news via the Olathe Criterion, May 29, 1947

Marilyn Cox

While cleaning my garage last week, I found a treasure — the Thursday, May 29, 1947, issue of the Olathe Criterion. The issue read, "The official pap… Read more

An introduction to COI

Trevor Harrison

Years ago, a dear friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in attending a board meeting for Community Options, INC. (COI). I had no idea who … Read more

Montrose man missing

By Staff

A Montrose man is missing, possibly since mid-April, authorities announced. Read more

Montrose Daily Press, 3684 North Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401

Monday, July 30, 2018

Daily Updates : A different kind of ride

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Montrose Daily Press - Daily Updates
Sunny 76°

A different kind of ride

Matt Haynie sometimes doesn't know when his workday ends and free time begins. Read more

In praise of women's work

Women who drive and empower the community will soon have their day in the sun. Read more

States sign 'roadmap' for outdoor industry

Eight states, including Colorado, are in accord: Outdoor recreation is where it's at. Read more

Montrose Matters - New Monday's 10am

Montrose Matters Episode 26: Grace Community Church

Join Montrose Daily Press Publisher Tonya Maddox as she talks with Senior Pastor Karl Leuthauser and Executive Pastor Calvin Schwarz from Grace Commu… Read more

An introduction to COI

Trevor Harrison

Years ago, a dear friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in attending a board meeting for Community Options, INC. (COI). I had no idea who … Read more

Going alone

Mark Rackay

There is a special spiritual awakening that one achieves when being alone in the great outdoors. It does not matter what your passion might be; hikin… Read more

A perfect day at Glacier Bay

Bill Harris

Our ship, the Volendam, rounded Point Gustavus early in the morning and entered Glacier Bay National Park, headed for Sitakaday Narrows. Soon a much … Read more

Fire restrictions lifted

Staff Report

Public lands agencies and Montrose County have all lifted fire restrictions formerly in place. Read more

Montrose man missing

By Staff

A Montrose man is missing, possibly since mid-April, authorities announced. Read more

Montrose Daily Press, 3684 North Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401