Saturday, March 17, 2018

Daily Updates : OHS Pirate goes out to sea

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Montrose Daily Press - Daily Updates

OHS Pirate goes out to sea

Karsen Henwood wants to study marine biology, but the Olathe High School junior lives in landlocked Colorado and the oc… Read more

Coroner: Inmate death was suicide

A man previously accused of threatening a judge was found unresponsive in his cell at Montrose County Jail early March … Read more

The payoff

When the new and improved Columbine Middle School is completed, students there won't only have a playground for the fir… Read more

Montrose Matters - New Monday's 10am

Montrose Matters Episode 9: Crippin Funeral Home

Talking family business, soul mates and old stories, Publisher of the MDP Tonya Maddox welcomes Crippin Funeral Home into the studio for the ninth ep… Read more

Tracking Montrose County

By Andrew Kiser

When the Montrose High School track and field competitors stepped onto the field March 10 for their home practice meet, it's like they hadn't skipped… Read more

Tack, tone and taste

By Curt Mudgett

As fascinating as they are, many people still overlook the stories of the OT. They are key to a deeper understanding of our God. They reveal His rich… Read more

Loving your enemies. Can it be done?

By Linda Cagnetti

Perhaps the hardest to-do of Jesus' commands is "Love your enemies. Bless those people who curse you." Does Jesus mean murdering terrorists or the la… Read more

GOCO shows love to West End

By Katharhynn Heidelberg

The West End of Montrose County is getting some help from Great Outdoors Colorado in launching new ventures to offset economic hardships. Read more

National Stories

10 Quick Changes to Prep Your Patio for Spring

Spring weather is a doozy and unpredictable at best. Once the rain lets up, it's a race to soak up every toasty ray of sunshine you can before another shower shows up in the forecast. Here are 10 practical changes you can make to your patio in a jiff, so you can fully savor spring where you ought to - outdoors! Read more

NFL Draft: Jets-Colts swap only strengthens Cleveland Browns' hand

Cleveland Browns GM John Dorsey arrived at his new post in a serious position of power thanks to the wheeling and dealing and cap preservation of Sashi Brown, who handed his replacement one of the richest offseason war chests ever. Read more

Montrose Daily Press, 3684 North Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401

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