Saturday, August 04, 2018

Daily Updates : Storied jail now a landmark

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Montrose Daily Press - Daily Updates
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Storied jail now a landmark

When Montrose County's first jail was in operation, its conditions raised eyebrows enough that an 1888 grand jury conde… Read more

What impact?

Citing the need for consistency and avoiding precedent that could create problems, Montrose County commissioners appear… Read more

Staging the right home

Misty Poe and Erin Porteous aren't only best friends, their husbands are close and the pair also has the same style whe… Read more

Montrose Matters - New Monday's 10am

Montrose Matters Episode 26: Grace Community Church

Join Montrose Daily Press Publisher Tonya Maddox as she talks with Senior Pastor Karl Leuthauser and Executive Pastor Calvin Schwarz from Grace Commu… Read more

Coroner: Hiker died of head trauma

Staff Report

As officials had suspected, the Telluride man who died while hiking sustained fatal blunt- force trauma, likely from a fall. Read more

When the seasons change, now what?

Melanie Hall

Now what? This is the inevitable question that follows faithfully after any type of change. Change is absolute — well almost. My favorite quote about… Read more

Change and the changeless

The Rev. Karen Winkel

I just returned from a trip to see my mother. Even though I was home six months ago, I was repeatedly surprised by the marked differences between my … Read more

Flying for a buck …

Twyla Righter

The fear of flying is something many folks struggle with. Even with all my years of flying I can get a bit nervous. I always think my fear just comes… Read more

Montrose man missing

By Staff

A Montrose man is missing, possibly since mid-April, authorities announced. Read more

Montrose Daily Press, 3684 North Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401

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