Friday, January 12, 2018

Daily Updates : How to build a snow track

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Montrose Daily Press - Daily Updates
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How to build a snow track

RIDGWAY — Richard Weber III has been grappling with the elements to get the second annual San Juan Skijoring eve… Read more

Intrinzik to host benefit concert for Solas safe home

Driving up to Montrose's Solas Animal Safe Home, you might be greeted by a dog, a donkey or even a goose. Read more

Gov to praise Montrose

Gov. John Hickenlooper has got love for Montrose. Read more

Gov: Rural Colorado needs support

By Katharhynn Heidelberg

Governor John Hickenlooper devoted several minutes of his final State of the State address Thursday to spotlighting the economic and related n… Read more

Health care in this country

The Republicans in Congress and this president hate the Affordable Care Act. Instead of trying to improve it in a nonpartisan way, they exclud… Read more

What's lit got to do with it?

It's improbable to imagine a fellow high school literature teacher who has never been challenged to explain what need or justification could p… Read more

Bring on the winter, at last

Not since the winter of 1976-77 have the Northern San Juans waited this long for this little bit of snow. Read more

National Stories

How to clean your chimney

Cleaning your chimney regularly is the best way to prevent dangerous creosote fires, or smoking in your home. Here's what you need to know before you take this on as a DIY job. Read more

Old dog will hunt: Pointer, 13, still hot on the trail

His muzzle is gray. His joints are sore, and he is undeniably in the twilight of his days. Read more

Montrose Daily Press, 3684 North Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401

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