Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Sno-Balls says goodbye after 33 years | From the Newsroom

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What's happening, Montrose?


Hello friends, 

Last Saturday I took a stroll through Demoret Park for one last snow ball.

Okay, that's a little dramatic but mostly true.

Most Montrose locals can probably recount at least one memory with Lesley Hallenborg, owner of the A Taste of New Orleans Sno-Balls trolley. Hallenborg has substituted in Montrose schools for about as long as she has run the trolley.

She also advises the Montrose High School environmental club. Over the years, Hallenborg has hired students from the school to run the trolley for work experience.


After 33 summers, Hallenborg served her last handmade cup of shaved ice at Demoret Park over the weekend. Sno-Balls firsted opened in the summer of 1994, moving to its permanent location at Demoret Park in 1995.

Now, she's looking for another family to continue the tradition. Be sure to reach out to the Sno-Balls Facebook page for inquiries on purchasing the trolley.

Thanks for keeping Montrose cool, Sno-Balls!

- Cassie, from the newsroom. 


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Cassie Knust | Digital Content Coordinator | email: cassie.knust@montrosepress.com

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