It's coming along Coming to you from the "Pretty Sure You Noticed, But ..." Files: The new Public Safety Complex is towering over South First Street. It's gone from a sales tax initiative, to groundbreaking, to construction and now, is closing in on completion. The city is eyeing a possible grand-opening week at the end of September, with move-in possible during the first week of October. A delay in getting in all the necessary glass put the project about a month behind, Police Chief Blaine Hall says. But just last week, the city received a certificate of occupancy for the new building, which will be the new police headquarters; have training spaces; a place to keep vehicles; a set-up for K-9s, if they are brought in; more space for evidence; separate entry for sex offender registration; offices and even a community room. It's all badly needed elbow room, Hall told me Monday. "It goes back to our ability to serve the public effectively and efficiently. This space comes with several needed features, like a training room and a training classroom, and a place to process our evidence correctly. "It's a morale-booster for our employees. It's going to be an amazing tool to recruit and retain new police officers and civilian staff members." — Katharhynn from the newsroom, wishing you as happy of a Monday as possible! O, Colorado! Did you know? Today is our state's birthday. Colorado became part of the Union on Aug. 1, 1876. I hope that if you were not able to get outside and enjoy our great state today before the rain hit, that you took advantage of this past weekend, which was glorious. I hit the trails at Dennis Weaver Memorial Park, just outside of Ridgway, finding cactus still budding. There's beauty everywhere — and in Colorado, you don't have to look very hard to find it. Feisty day at the fair The Montrose County Fair and Rodeo showcased bull riding on July 29. What was your favorite part of this year's fair? Tell us on NABUR! (Cassie Knust/Montrose Daily Press)
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