| | Picture? Perfect ... A picture is worth a thousand words. As a writer, that stings a little. But there's probably some truth there — especially with all the megapixel-horsepower they cram into the cameras in our phones these days! In Saturday's Montrose Daily Press, we published Alan Todd's Musings From Ouray column, which centered on Kodak's Brownie camera. That camera, released in 1900, is credited with bringing photography to the masses. We've come a long way since the Brownie, with most people carrying around a phone in their pocket that can take photos so crisp and clear they singe your eyeballs. Naturally, this makes me think of a Spiderman movie, one of the old ones with Toby McGuire. Spiderman, if you recall, works at a newspaper as a photographer. Before Spidey started snapping selfies of himself for the front page (which, sidenote, is ethically iffy) the Daily Bugle was having a difficult time procuring photos of the masked webslinger. Finally, some kid snaps a photo on his phone. And not one of the modern-marvel phones of today, but an ancient flip phone of yesteryear. These days, pretty much all of us have the ability to whip a camera-phone out of our pocket and snap an increasingly high-quality photo of Spiderman. Or, perhaps, snap photos of the Red Hawks' soccer and lacrosse matches or track meets. Or, maybe of the aurora borealis lighting Black Canyon. Thankfully, some citizen-photogs have taken to this task and then submitted their photographs to the newspaper for publication. This is awesome, as the Daily Press's team of reporters are not able to be everywhere at once, so these photo submissions are welcome and useful and allow us to bring you a fuller account of what's going on in the community. So, if you're out and about and happen to see Spiderman — or a soccer match, or a mesmorizing sunset — snap a photo and send it our way. Whether you're shooting with an old Brownie, a smartphone or a Hasselblad, these photos will help us better relay the story of this community. Have a Good One, Jeremy Morrison, managing editor Want energy? Subscribe or renew your subscription of the Montrose Press for a chance to win two free Mt. Sneffels Energy Boost IV's from Montrose IV Hydration! Subscribe today at https://www.montrosepress.com/site/forms/subscription_services/
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