CONSERVATION AND RECREATION could very likely get some help in our state after the Great American Outdoors Act passed the U.S. Senate Wednesday with bipartisan support. The act would fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund to the tune of $900 million a year. And it would provide funding for federal lands ($8 million specifically for Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park). In total, it would help national park and federal land maintenance with $1.9 billion for five years. Sen. Cory Gardner (pictured), who co-authored the bill with Sen. Michael Bennett, was joyful to see things moving forward. The next step is the House, and then it would go to President Donald Trump's desk for signing. THIS POOR LITTLE THING was found wandering, injured and badly burned, amid the East Canyon Fire Tuesday afternoon. Firefighters called Colorado Parks and Wildlife to rescue the baby bear. They took it to a rehab center in Frisco. We last updated you on the East Canyon Fire a couple days ago. THE LIBRARY IS REOPENING with some limitations, Paul Paladino explained in this weeks @Your Library column. The library will be separated in half by plastic to control the flow of incoming and outgoing visitors. There will be strict social distancing measures in place, and the library is asking anyone who pops in to wear a mask. Paladino didn't say exactly when this next phase would go into effect, but he said it would be soon — stay posted! | |
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